SWOT Analysis of The Electrical Fittings Industry - The Unorganized Sector
t is estimated that 50% of the total production in this industry comes from unorganized segment dominated by regional small players. Following is the SWOT analysis of the sector that may help you to understand the industry better:
SWOT Analysis
Strengths (S)
* The Electrical fittings industry is able to get better terms of sales from the market for its strong product mix and affordable price.
* Electrical fitting's manufacturing unit is low cost unit so therefore contains ample opportunity to grow.
Weaknesses (W)
* Electrical fittings manufacturers are currently suffering from a variety of technological obsolescence issues like conventional mould/die making, old/manual molding presses etc.
* The Electrical fittings industry is encountered with Government unfriendly intervention such as labor, social security etc.
* The major portion of the Electrical Fittings industry is concentrated in unorganized sector with most of the small and Cottage industrial units thus hindering their ability to manufacture standardized products.
Opportunities (O)
* Relaxation in duty and tariffs on the import of Bakelite Powder may enhance the ability of the manufacturers to take full advantage of their installed capacity.
* Adequate level of Marketing and Promotion may able the manufacturers to promote their products at international level.
* Institutional infrastructure support in the areas of technological, design, product and human resource development would definitely pave way for development.
* The growth of Electrical Fittings Components sector is also promising.
Threats (T)
* The Electrical Fittings Industry is labor intensive and facing critical labor shortage of skilled workers specially molders.
* Rising raw material costs and low cost imports.
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